
Saul Mwame - Building Africa's Future Foundation - High-level SDG Action Event on Education

The President of the UN General Assembly convened a High-level SDG Action Event on Education on 28 June 2017 at UN Headquarters in New York, with the participation of Member States, the UN System, and stakeholders. At the request of the Office of the President of the General Assembly, UN-NGLS facilitated n open, transparent, participatory process to identify youth civil society or social entrepreneur speakers for this event. UN-NGLS facilitated a Stakeholder Selection Committee to review applications for the speaking roles and create a regionally and gender balanced short-list of candidates for the President of the General Assembly to consider. The President of the UN General Assembly selected Mr. Saul Paul Mwame from Building Africa's Future Foundation and Dct Mvumi Secondary School - United Republic of Tanzania to speak at the opening session.

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