Chopped by Abel Balongo
© World Economic Forum

How do we Mobilize Action on climate change going forward?

#WorldEconomicForum #DavosAgenda2021 #ClimateChange
SDG 13

'' we need to cut global emissions in half by 2030........we have to phase out coal five times faster than we have been. It means we have to increase tree cover five times faster. It means we have to ramp up renewable energy six times faster. It means we have to transition to electric vehicles at a rate 22 times faster'' JOHN KERRY, SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL ENVOY FOR CLIMATE/USA.
The current climate crisis cannot be well addressed, not unless all key stakeholders are brought together. The USA government return to Climate negotiation table, is a most welcome move, albeit, the four years already lost on Paris Agenda implementation.
By such, the USA being a global leader and the largest repository of climate change research, data, technology and capacity, should move swiftly to build confidence to the rest of the world that it is indeed committed to to the climate change agenda, by taking a substantive lead role in Mobilizing Action on climate Change, just as was demonstrated by its commitment in in the Davos Agenda 2021.
Further, to be able to collectively win the war against Climate change, there is need for all Climate change partners, most specifically the Paris Agreement member states, to develop long term strategies and policy frameworks to ensure clear commitments and implementation of agreed upon agenda.

Chopped by

Abel Balongo

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