Chopped by Alice C. Tanui

We take charge as a young generation to stand up for us and the future generations

#Greenwar #climateaction #SDG 13 #SDG 17 #Thisiswar #SpiceWarrior

We rise again to keep up the good fight, for those that we've lost due to climate crisis, those so vulnerable because of climate crisis and for the next generation that we are not sure what to tell them just incase we don't act now
Rukia Ahmed a young climate activist from the Northern part of Kenya shares with us a moment of her life as a young girl affected by the climate crisis in Kenya

Sorry not sorry "Sorry I don't need the green card our home is already green enough to keep us breathing " Kelele

If you think the economy is better than the environment try holding your breath as you count money
Kenya is very vulnerable to climate change with current projections suggesting that its temperature will rise up to 2.5ºC between 2000 and 2050, while rainfall will become more intense and less predictable

Chopped by

Alice C. Tanui

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