Chopped by Benard Ogembo

Africa’s Vulnerability to Climate Change.

#ClimateAction #Africa #Vulnerability #Inequalities #COP26
SDG 7 SDG 8 SDG 13

The continent is warming at a slightly higher rate than the rest of the world and its surrounding sea is rising slightly more than the global mean.

Africa’s greater susceptibility comes from small changes accumulating to produce big effects over time. Climate variability manifests visibly through the increased frequency and severity of weather-related disasters.

Impact on food security is critical. Land productivity is compromised by bio-diversity decline, soil degradation, and locust plagues. Equally stark are health impacts.

With such profound climate impacts combining with COVID-19, Africa will miss the 2030 targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Ironically, many African countries are actually doing well in developing policies to advance SDG 13 on climate action. But practical results are limited because, like with Covid-19, countries cannot go it alone on climate change.

The continent’s climate vulnerability therefore needs a massive Pan-African effort for which the African Union is the logical body to provide strategic vision and direction.

Chopped by

Benard Ogembo

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