Chopped by Alice C. Tanui

Safeguarding indegenous trees

SDG 13 SDG 15 SDG 17

Indegenous tree species have been ignored yet they are important. We need to understand the names and uses of trees we had forgotten. The trees are for learning purposes and to to create more seeds to be used in future. The goal of creating this museum is for some trees not to go extinct because they are at risk of doing so... The indegenous tree species has alot of importance that we need to safeguard them so that they can survive for more generation's

Let's plant more indegenous than exotic species
Let's create our own little museums wherever we are

Chopped by

Alice C. Tanui

All for a greater and greener future.

This indigenous trees are very crucial in our ecosystem as they provide us with medicine and wild fruits.
When was the last time you ate a wild berry?
By Elijah Muindi, on 25/06/2021 12:48