Chopped by Aurelia Tenga

Meaning: Ecosystem Restoration and it's functions.

#ecosystemrestoration #decadeforaction #unep
SDG 13 SDG 15

Ecosystem restoration is defined as “a process of reversing the degradation of ecosystems, such as landscapes, lakes and oceans to regain their ecological functionality; in other words, to improve the productivity and capacity of ecosystems to meet the needs of society, (IUCN, 2021).

The United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration runs from 2021–2030. Similar to other nature related international decades, its purpose is to promote the United Nation's enviromental goals. Specifically, to facilitate global cooperation for the restoration of degraded and destroyed ecosystems.

Healthy community means healthy ecosystem, when we kill our ecosystems we are killing our own existence. This is the decade of Action let come together to achieve a thing.

Chopped by

Aurelia Tenga

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