Chopped by Mercy Mumbi
© Our Changing Climate

Being trendy with new fashions and its effects to the environment.

SDG 7 SDG 9 SDG 13

Polyester is a petroleum based product that is used in creating materials and fabrics used in making clothes.
Most of us just want to be stylish and trendy and wear all the latest clothes from latest stores without considering its effect. Most humans especially girls will go ahead and shop for clothes then after a while of not wearing them we decide to trash them withiut knowing effects on the environment without considering the fact some of them are not complete degradable and will remain in the soil for decades to come.
Another factor is how materials used to make the latest designs are acquired.
Polyester comes from fossil fuels and according to forbes magazine the need has incread to 70 million barrels of oil to produce enough polyester to make material the fabrics this against the fight we are putting up against fossil fuels and looking for alternative sources of energy that do not destroy our common home.
While the clothing lines aim at being fashionable, creating jobs for the creative industry and they completely shy of the damage this has to the environment

Chopped by

Mercy Mumbi

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