Chopped by Alice C. Tanui
© Jane Goodall Institute USA

Restoring our earth as we strive to make everyday an earth day

#Earthdayeveryday #GreenRecovery #SaveOurMother #Environmentr

Sister earth's dream is to see her her sister earth healing and being restored each day. We should remember that we are animals too and we are not separated from the natural habitat. This is our time to strive and make each day an earth day. Jane Goodall the founder of roots and shoots foundation dreams of a restored earth that everyone is doing her/his best to make it great again. She is waking up to her dream coming true. A dream that humans will be more kind to our home, a dream that we will invest on green economy, a dream that we will stop overexploitation of land and it's resources, a dream of us coming together as we voice out for action

A great dream that one day just one day our fight in the battlefield will be considered a good fight. That we will cheer ourselves on for not giving up on the careless citizens throwing litter everywhere, on the farmers that chose to sell more meat as wildlife kept shrinking, on the governments that restored earth on paper and selfishly used the money meant for our environment, on our friends who saw us wasting time because this course doesn't earn us enough, on the companies that kept producing plastic after we warned them on their effects and on each one of us thinking that we have planet B
Happy mother earth day err'body one day we will win this let's keep fighting the good fight

The Earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy Mother Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed.
One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken.”
—Leo Tolstoy

Chopped by

Alice C. Tanui

Great job Alice
By Mercy Mumbi, on 22/04/2021 08:35