Chopped by michael kiwale
© USAID Tanzania

The importance of empowering women for sustainable development in society


Economic empowerment is central to women’s ability to overcome poverty, cope with shocks and improve their well-being. When women realize their economic goals, whether it’s growing a business, improving their home or investing in training or education, they’re more resilient and able to provide for themselves and their families. Yet, globally, women continue to trail men in formal labor force participation, land and property ownership, and access to financial services, like credit and savings.
in African societies the issue of women's empowerment is still a matter of patriarchy that believes that women are dependent on everything from man, in order to free themselves from this misconception the government and various organizations must empower women by providing them with education and skills. various things, to give her business capital, as well as the laws and policies of the country to give priority to women, and finally to give them the opportunity to be present in the decision-making process for example in Tanzania in parliament there is a law that requires 30 percent of member of parliaments should be women although that is still a small number but shows light to achieve gender equality in society

Chopped by

michael kiwale

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