Chopped by Amani Asenga
© The THRIVE Project Channel

Consumption and production for suistainability

SDG 1 SDG 8 SDG 12 SDG 17

Suistainable consumption and production is the use of material products, energy and immaterial services in such a way that their use minimizes impacts on the environment, so that human needs can be met not only in the present but also for future generations, UNCED (2020).

It relays on the different premises such as Effective use of resources, and minimisation of waste and pollution,
Use of renewable resources within their capacity for renewal
Fuller product life-cycles,
Intergenerational and intragenerational equity and others.

In Tanzania the government sets the strategies and plans to combat the exhaustion of resources for the use of the future generations.

Chopped by

Amani Asenga

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