Chopped by Mercy Mumbi
© EnvI Sudan

Water Sanitation in Africa


With Africa leading in having most fresh water lakes in the world, its a sad situation that more than 66% of people in Africa lack access to clean sanitation.
The time spent by our women and children should be used to better our homes and societies, maybe gryoeung food to achieve zero hunger within our societies.
Time spent by our kids in search of clean water they should be studying or getting enough rest so that they can rest enough and prepare for school.
Sanitation in both our homes and hospitals should not be an issue, without it only brings nothing but chaos in our societies.
We should all work towards better water sanitation, availability of water even in the maginalized communities, our hospitals even. Water us an essential that no one should lack or have a hard time looking for.

No one should lack or have a hard time in access clean water

Chopped by

Mercy Mumbi

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