© Future Thinkers

7 Ways Blockchain Can Stop Climate Change & Save The Environment

The blockchain is the technology that underlies bitcoin and Ethereum, and there are many ways it can help protect the environment and stop climate change.

To learn more about the blockchain, go to http://futurethinkers.org/blockchain

For more impactful blockchain projects, go to http://giantsupernova.com

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Blockchain projects featured in this video:
BCDC (EcoChain, RecycleToCoin, FoodTrax) - https://www.bcdc.online
Bitgive - https://www.bitgivefoundation.org
Bithope - https://bithope.org
Electric Chain - http://www.electricchain.org
Plastic Bank / Social Plastic - http://socialplastic.org/
Provenance - https://www.provenance.org
SunContract - https://suncontract.org
TransactiveGrid by ConsenSys - https://consensys.net/ and LO3 Energy - http://lo3energy.com

Music by Ronald Jenkees, used with permission - https://www.youtube.com/ronaldjenkees

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