© One Tree Planted

What is Deforestation? | One Tree Planted

Deforestation is a huge environmental challenge. But what is deforestation? What drives it, and how we can preserve and restore the world's forests. ✅ Subscribe to One Tree Planted: https://bit.ly/2IsCtqc

Simply put, #deforestation is the clearing of wide areas of trees by cutting trees down. Our planet’s forests are some of the most valuable resources we have. They provide us with clean air, a source of food, construction material, and much more.

Even more importantly, #forests are a major line of defense against climate change. A single tree can absorb up to 48 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year - which makes them the most effective CO2 scrubbing machines we have.

Despite this, forests are being systematically eliminated all across the world - a process we know as deforestation. Agriculture for palm oil, soy, and cattle, along with logging for wood and fuel are the top causes of deforestation. But all is not lost, there is definitely a way to create sustainable economic growth without destroying more of the planet's few remaining intact forests. By implementing sensible approaches to energy, land use, and agriculture, we can greatly reduce deforestation and create a future full of biodiversity.

Beyond that, #reforestation (plating trees) is vital to counterbalance the deforestation that has occurred historically. Only through planting native #trees can we restore our damaged landscapes to lush and healthy forests.

Our video, Deforestation Explained, aims to inform you about deforestation and how we can limit the negative effects of cutting trees down. We also highlight how, through planting trees and restoring forests, we can reverse the negative ecological impacts of deforestation and set our environment back on the right track.

This video works well as a learning tool for high school students and would work well for a teacher searching "What is Deforestation KS2"


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