© IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature

Nature-based Solutions: Backing biodiversity to safeguard society

Nature-based Solutions are a cost-effective means to addressing our global challenges, providing real benefits to biodiversity and people. For International Biodiversity Day, IUCN provides a global overview of NbS and an update on the IUCN Global Standard for NbS, bringing together partners across sectors in a zoom session that will be live streamed worldwide.

This is your opportunity to learn about the role biodiversity will play and the potential NbS have in a just transition to a low-carbon future. Join stakeholders world wide in a call for partnerships to unlock the potential of nature, our forgotten ally.

In the one hour livestream, we explored some of these questions below:
- How is biodiversity a win-win solution?
- What are NbS according to the IUCN Global Standard?
- How do we upscale NbS?
- If you want to start an NbS partnership, what can you do first?

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