Chopped by Aurelia Tenga
© UN Environment Management Group (31/03/2021)

Linkage between biodiversity, ecosystem and gender.

#unemg #sdg5
SDG 5 SDG 13 SDG 15

Considering gender issues in relation to biodiversity involves identifying the influence of gender roles and relations on the use, management and conservation of biodiversity. Gender roles of women and men include different labour responsibilities, priorities, decision-making power, and knowledge, which affect how women and men use and manage biodiversity resources.

For instance, due to gender differences in roles and responsibilities, women in rural Asia and Africa are usually the main collectors of wild plant food, while men tend to focus on harvesting timber and wild meat. As a result, women and men develop different knowledge about different species, their uses as well as how to manage them, (CBD, 2019).

Chopped by

Aurelia Tenga