Chopped by Pascalia Kaguara
© CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)

Agroforestry is a practical solution to climate change mitigation in rural areas.

#treestotherescue #forestsforever
SDG 1 SDG 2 SDG 7 SDG 13

Not only can agroforestry be useful to climate change mitigation for being carbon sinks, it can also reduce poverty among the rural communities especially in the developing countries through protection against soil erosion as well as providing food, wood, medicine and forage for livestock. Nitrogen fixing trees can increase nitrogen to the agroforestry system at the same time increasing improving nutrient cycling in farms.

Most rural households in developing countries depend on climate variability for their livelihoods making them most vulnerable to climate change. These households have experienced climate extremes such as drought and floods as well as the emerging desert locusts at the horn of Africa.
Enhanced agroforestry activities can help rural families elevate poverty since trees can provide food, fuel, medicine and forage for their livestock. At the same time agroforestry assist in retaining soil moisture, preventing soil erosion and assist in nitrogen cycling that assist plants to thrive.

Chopped by

Pascalia Kaguara

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