Chopped by Elijah Muindi
© EnvI Sudan


#Water #8AfricaWaterWeek
SDG 3 SDG 6 SDG 13 SDG 14

This week as we commemorate the 8th Africa Water week some little reminder has to be made:

1.What is water?
2.How do you conserve it?

With this two rhetorical question in mind then we have already solved half the problem.

Water in Africa has always been a very scarce commodity for the past years,it being so basic yet so hard to find.This is really an irony since Africa is very rich in water it's just that people don't take care of it.Whereby,they pollute the water bodies,they misuse it,they encroach the catchment areas and the worst of it all cut down trees which are very essential in bringing rains,cleansing water and keeping the sources alive.

Let's conserve water during this week and the days after cause we need it everyday!

Conserve water by :-

a) Harvesting it by installing gutters on you house roofs.
b) Installing storage tanks
c) Building gabions in erosion affected areas
d) Planting more trees!

Chopped by

Elijah Muindi

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