Chopped by Elizabeth Oduor
© Natural Solution

Intestinal worms or parasitic worms are simple organisms, that feed on the human body.


Existence of worms in the body may present with the following symptoms:
Abdominal pains, diarrhoea, nausea, bloating, fatigue or unexplained weight loss.

Many times, people get worms by accidentally swallowing them or their eggs. Some worms can go through the skin when they are young and small. Sometimes, you get worms when an infected insect bites you or when you eat meat from an infected animal.

Worms infestation- not much of a new term, right? What's running through your mind currently on this? Probaby eating mud, raw rice, sweets and the accumulation of dirt in the stomach- generally poor hygiene and sanitation. Have you heard about the natural treatments for intestinal worms? Infestation of worms in the digestive system is common throughout the world, particularly in young children. Worms can sometimes be seen around the anus or in the feces, and they inflame the area of the bowel or rectum where they attach themselves (much of a painful experience when those areas "bulb"). The most common worms in humans are hookworms in tropical countries. Other type of worms occurs, too, such as pinworms in Asian countries. Intestinal worms present many symptoms such as diarrhea, bad breath, dark circles under the eyes, restlessness at night, anemia, and itching around the anus. These symptoms can sure cause sleepless looonnngggg nights.

There are many natural ways to treat this situation depending on the type of worm such as:
1)Rescue remedy which is good for discomfort or distress. Rub into the pulse points, around the anus to relieve itching. Crab Apple is excellent if you feel unclean or polluted.
2)Rub a drop each of eucalyptus, lavender, and tea tree oil into a bland ointment, such as petroleum jelly or chickweed. Rub around the anus to prevent itching and to prevent eggs from being laid. This is particularly helpful at night.
3)A teaspoon each of cayenne pepper and senna can be combined in a cup of yogurt with live cultures and taken by teaspoon before meals. The former stuns the worms and the latter encourages their explosion.
4)Wormwood tea will stun the worms, but should only be taken under the supervision of a registered herbalist.
5)Garlic is toxic to worms. Crush and add it to a tablespoon of honey and take before meals, followed by a tincture of laxative herbs, such as licorice and dandelion root to aid expulsion.
Conventional treatment is always necessary for any tapeworm infestations. Call your doctor if treatment is not effective after two courses, or if you begin to lose weight. Make an intentional decision to be a glow-worm.

Chopped by

Elizabeth Oduor

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