Chopped by Aurelia Tenga

When covid-19 last inside in the body.

# who

Most people who develop COVID-19 symptoms improve without treatment in 2–6 weeksTrusted Source. However, this does not necessarily reflect how long the virus itself remains active in the body.

COVID-19 has an incubation period, meaning it can be days before a person notices symptoms. In the case of SARS-CoV-2, a person can transmit the virus 48 hoursTrusted Source before developing symptoms.

Many people experience mild symptoms, while some experience no symptoms at all. This can make it difficult to tell who has the virus.

How long the virus lasts in the body depends on the individual and the severity of the illness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advise that people who test positive for COVID-19 should isolate themselves.

Chopped by

Aurelia Tenga

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