Chopped by Alice C. Tanui
© Talk Mental Health by Dr Beth Colby

ECO-THERAPY! Nurtured by nature

#Connectwithnatureb #TimeForNature #MentalHealth
SDG 3 SDG 15

Mental health awareness week runs from 10- 16 May under the theme connecting with nature
Not everyone needs medication, not everyone needs a hospital bed. We should have a level of calm between stress & normalcy
Why do we allow ourselves to rest when we are physically unwell and we don't do the same when we are mentally unwell? The physical,mental & spiritual health intertwine
As the theme of the week states, the natural world plays an important role in our mental well being. Studies show that nature us not only nice to have but it's a have-to-have for physical health and cognitive functions
ECO-THERAPY is to have time in nature in order to speed the rate of healing
It's therefore vital to have green/blue spaces around our homes and places of work
Some of the activities we can do in the natural world include; Taking walks outside, eating meals outdoors, having physical exercises outside, watching the stars, gardening,listen to natural sounds such as bird chirping among others

Let's all strive to nurture nature for it nurtures us.

"The more we exploit nature the more our options are reduced until we have inky one one; To fight for survival" Morris K Udall

Chopped by

Alice C. Tanui

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