Chopped by alex samaga
© World Health Organization (WHO)

Prevention of COVID-19 according to WHO 2021

SDG 3 SDG 4 SDG 6 SDG 15

Maintain at least a 1-metre distance between yourself and others to reduce your risk of infection when they cough, sneeze or speak. Maintain an even greater distance between yourself and others when indoors. The further away, the better.
Make wearing a mask a normal part of being around other people. The appropriate use, storage and cleaning or disposal are essential to make masks as effective as possible.
Here are the basics of how to wear a mask:

Clean your hands before you put your mask on, as well as before and after you take it off, and after you touch it at any time.
Make sure it covers both your nose, mouth and chin.
When you take off a mask, store it in a clean plastic bag, and every day either wash it if it’s a fabric mask, or dispose of a medical mask in a trash bin.
Don’t use masks with valves, (WHO, 2021).
Problem of covid 19 now affect world wide in all aspects of life status like economically level, socio-politically level and cultural level so in case of to avoid transimmition of this disease is to follow instructions given by WHO in all people

Chopped by

alex samaga

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