Chopped by Iddy Mzigo
© wpsu


SDG 1 SDG 2 SDG 4 SDG 8 SDG 13

Agriculture is the fundamental activities of crops practising and animal keeping .
Agriculture need a good soil,good climate, practising skills and good technology
We cant ignore the relation ship between agriculture and environment because agriculture depend on good environment such as good soil,climate and water
The advantages of agriculture is widely because helps in stimulating economic,produce raw materials ,produce food and make soil fertility through crop rotation.

Agriculture and environment are the two fundamental phenomena that work together and we cant separate them .
In Tanzania Agriculture is a back bone of Tanzanians most of the people depend on agriculture in order to get food and also for sale .
People are practising both macro and micro agriculture while they are conserving environment.

Chopped by

Iddy Mzigo

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