Chopped by Iddy Mzigo
© Conservation International


SDG 3 SDG 4 SDG 6 SDG 8 SDG 11 SDG 13 SDG 14 SDG 15

Water is inorganic matter which composed by hydrogen and oxygen ,and can exist in solid,liquid and gaseous forms.
The useful of water are observed in different applications such as in domestic purposes in cooking,drinking and washing ,water also is used in agriculture in irrigation process,used as source of energy ,used in transport and in recreation .

75%of living life is occupied by water so its very important to protect all sources of water by planting trees, and avoiding of establishing habitat
As mentioned among of useful of water are used as source of energy to generate electricity in Tanzania we Mtera ,kihansi and Rufiji Dams which are used as a source of electirity generation also thare is a big project known as Mwalimu Nyerere dam which is in progress and will help to generate more than 2000 megawatt so that will help to stimulate more development .

Chopped by

Iddy Mzigo

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