Chopped by michael kiwale

Climate change and our destiny

#climateadaption #natureourdestiny
SDG 13 SDG 15

Since the Industrial Revolution, Earth’s climate has been changing fast. Human actions are the major factor promoting this intense pace. In particular, the massive use of fossil fuel (oil, charcoal, gas) releases a large amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, which concentrates, and warms the planet. So far, this climate change has not affected life on Earth too much. However, it is threatening the existence of several life forms that have to endure this climate change coupled with other human-induced changes (for example, deforestation). All these factors combined may soon affect us, too. For instance, the availability of food may be drastically reduced.
we talk about the link between human activities and climate change, because humanity can still slow down its impact on the planet. There are many things everyone can do to help slow the climate change and life form extinctions in the near future.

Chopped by

michael kiwale

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