Chopped by Ondiek Evans
© GameRise

WATER CRISIS!!! has solutions

#watercrisis #worldwaterday
SDG 4 SDG 6 SDG 17

Worldwide we are now experiencing water crisis as majority of the people are currently living without access to clean water with African continent being the mostly affected part of the world. As a result of this water crisis different sectors have been affected either directly or indirectly.
For instance, education sector has been affected, this is seen as majority of children living on these areas usually spend most of their time walking many kilometers at least to get access to water which also most of the time are also not that clean.
As it has been said, every problem has its own solutions and for the solution to came to pass, action must be taken. It’s there for now time for team work to fight this water crisis.
Furthermore, funding is also need. this will enable setting up boreholes and also provision of water cleaning reagents such as chlorine for the people.
Other techniques such as water recycling measures should also be implemented so as our societies can easily get access to clean drinking water.

Chopped by

Ondiek Evans

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