Chopped by Clinton Ouma
© National Science Foundation

How will climate change affect the water cycle?

# Future water scenario
SDG 6 SDG 13

In depth explanation of the anticipated water situation in the world is explained clearly by Dr. Jeff Dossier, a hydrologist at University of California, Santa Barbara city. He alludes that warmer temperatures will have the potential to increase atmospheric water vapor holding capacity. making rainfall more intense, there will be change in storm patterns. The rising temperatures will make precipitation fall as rain rather than snow. We are likely to have less snow.
warmer temperatures will accelerate rapid snow melt in Scandinavian countries. This means that water resources like stream , lakes will be full to the maximum capacity, hence coastal flooding and destruction of properties and biodiversity.

Warmer temperatures will have impacts on water components in terms of availability, access, utilization and stability

Chopped by

Clinton Ouma

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