Chopped by Clinton Ouma
© Our Changing Climate

Corona Virus vs Climate Change

#Corona virus vs Climate Change#
SDG 3 SDG 8 SDG 13

Patreon, in his you-tube channel clearly elucidate the differences between climate change barrage and covid-19 pandemic.
He postulates that we must first understand temporal evolution of any event. While Climate change slowly builds, becoming a catastrophic threat over the course of decades, Corona virus is immediate and so first, in fact, it is right in our face. Due to slow evolution of climate change, its scientific research faces more doubt and as a result, the policy makers, global leaders finds it mere difficult to fathom intricacies involved behind climate change, they fail to react swiftly and confidently on environmental issues.
On the other hand, Corona virus springs up quickly and there is a very clear connection between causal-effect. Due to its mode of transmission through respiratory system from one person to another, we are able to draw a clear line between actions and consequences. These includes, washing hands and quarantines hinders the spread of the virus. Climate change is not as simple as we think and therefore we need to give it deeper thought before we can act!!!

Climate change emissions like greenhouse gases into the atmosphere creates conducive environment for catalyzing spread of covid-19, for example warmer atmospheric temperatures. The covid-19 restrictions like quarantines and total lockdown of a country impacts negatively on its economic growth.

Chopped by

Clinton Ouma

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