Chopped by Eudiah Gakahu
© UNEP DTU Partnership

Expectations from the Scientific Community in Climate Change Adaptation Action

#Adaptation #AdaptationGapReport #UNEP #UNEP_DTU
SDG 13

Highlighted during the launch of the Adaptation Gap Report was the contribution of the scientific community in adaptation:
1. Being a lighthouse – as a source of information. The Adaptation Gap Report guides practitioners and decision makers on how to better inform adaptation actions.
2. Being a watchdog – this can be achieved by highlighting the areas where there are difficult issues, lack of progress or challenges in climate change adaptation. The scientific community can therefore push for funding and push for proper action that will also avoid maladaptation.
3. Being a trailblazer – look into how uncertainty and time lags can be addressed. There is need of new and innovative approaches and suggestions. Researchers can come together to establish more synthesized assessments, coherent and comparable approaches to assessing some of these issues.

The Scientific community has a major role to play in climate action hence the need for collaboration that will help realize the Goals.

Chopped by

Eudiah Gakahu

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