Chopped by Trizah Akeyo
© World Economic Forum

How market principles will influence movement towards renewable energy.

SDG 13 SDG 17

Investors have discovered there is a lot of money to be made in transition to renewable energy.
The use of energy is going to rise by around 50% in the next 30 years. Currently there are around one billion people without electricity. This offers a large market for renewable energy.
Market principles are going to influence how fast we move towards zero carbon emissions.
New consumer demand for renewables is encouraged by a steady decline in overall costs of wind and solar and gain in capacity.
There is also a growing emphasis on responsible investment driven by recognition that environmental factors play key role in determining risk and return.
Many industries also face alot of peer pressure to support renewable energy and be associated with green energy.
Corporations are being asked to identify and quantify financial impact of climate related risks in their organisations and outline potential threats through appropriate financial disclosures.

Renewable energy creates 5 times more jobs than fossil fuels.
In Iceland 100% of their energy is supplied by geothermal and hydropower sources.

Chopped by

Trizah Akeyo

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