Chopped by Abel Balongo

Why should young people suffer the most, yet have contributed the least to Climate change?

SDG 13

Climate change, has indeed not been created by the current generation of young people, However, they will indeed suffer its dire consequences.
According to the United Nations department of economic and social affairs population facts demographic data of 2015, Africa has a rapidly growing youth population with about 226 million youth were in Africa, accounting for 19 percent of the global youth population. This is very significant statistics in relation to future climate change adaptation strategies.
Whereas, the youth have not significantly contributed to the global Climate change crisis, the impacts will spiral over protracted periods, affecting their livelihoods. Therefore, climate change adaptation strategies, must be youth centered if long term objectives are to be met.
The classical terms like sustainable development, Green economy, smart jobs and Circular innovations, will only make reasonable sense, if well conceptualized in the context of developing economies and with a greater focus on the youth.
This is because, if not well integrated in the thinking and social-economics of young people, such noble ideas will sooner or later be declared 'scientific dinosaurs' due to their inapplicability.
However, Africa and other developing economies, being in great need to develop their young economies, will need to clearly define and implement strategic adaptation plans in their development agenda. this can be achieved through, legislative frameworks, socio-political and economic alignment towards youth centered development pathways and rapid scaling up of sustainable adaptation Financing.
In conclusion, the role of the youth in climate change adaptation cannot be under-estimated, if future sustainability is to be achieved. It Must start Now.

Chopped by

Abel Balongo

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