Chopped by Elijah Muindi
© NTV Kenya


#Biodiversity #WorldLifeDay #Birds #ClimateAction
SDG 13 SDG 15

Counting just few days to World Wildlife Day,what have you been doing considering the other side of life which is the wild as at now?

Being a voice to climate action, it also cuts across the biodiversity on life on land and in water , goal 14 and 15 respectively. This contributes to a certain percentage in biodiversity. As it shows above, the number of flamingos in Lake Baringo, Kenya they have really reduced as compared to then. This has reduced the urge of tourist visiting the place and also the floods that have been happening in the area. Also, the Cs On Environment says that statics show that the number has lowered from 1.5m flamingos to around 100,000 only remaining, Why? the PH levels in water have declined, hence causing the flamingos to migrate or even die due to lack of food which happens to be the algae that is now absent cause of the effect on the PH levels and also the trapping by the mathenge weed tree which is really painful to the birds.

A big thanks to the saviour who untraps the flamingos from the mathenge weed.
What are you doing yourself concerning the animals that contribute a lot to our biodiversity?

Be the young saviour wherever you are for mother nature and animals too

Chopped by

Elijah Muindi

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