© IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature

Eastern Africa climate change situation: Adaptations and mitigation strategies.

SDG 13

East Africa countries include Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and South Sudan, also recognized as the Great Lakes regions.
The Eastern Africa member states are among the most vulnerable regions to be effected by climate change situation. All the countries of south Sahara desert (Sub-Sahara Africa) are likely to be affected severely because of their lower economy status, extremely individual poverty, poorly mitigations and adoptions strategies.
Projections of climate change suggest that East Africa will experience warmer temperatures and a 5-20% increased rainfall from December-February and 5-10% decreased rainfall from June-August by 2050 (UNEP, 2020).

Annual rainfall throughout East Africa has largely decreased since 1960, while variability has increased. The region has been subject to more frequent and intense rainfall events, floods and droughts in recent decades. Indian Ocean surface temperatures have increased by 1°C since 1950 (Source: Oxfam International, 2021).

During COP26 the World climate summit going on in Glasgow, it seems that human activities contributing much for climate change phenomenon (extremely temperature increases, floods, rising of sea level, destruction of natural ecosystem, to mention few).

Because the situation is already there we should take mitigation and adoptions strategies to fight against the monster for survival. The following are the adoption and mitigation strategies we should adhere as East Africa regions:

Mitigation strategies;
1. Using other alternative sources of energy, rather than burning fossil fuels. (Alternative sources: Solar energy, wind energy, HEP).
2. Avoiding unsustainable agriculture leading to desertification.
3. Climate financing (developed countries should fulfill their pledge of financing the less developed countries to climate action projects).

Adoption strategies;
1. Trees planting campaign (help to regulate global warming).
2. Surplus food production (in case of excessive drought to avoid hunger).
3. Investing in draught resistance crops (ensuring food security).
Source: UN Environmental Program, Adoption Gap Report, (2021).

Chopped by

Meshack K. Mollel

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