Chopped by Alice C. Tanui
© Ebru TV Kenya

Women who speak for nature for it has no tongue

#Greenwar #ClimateAction #IWD #ChooseToChallenge

Today being international women's day under the theme, Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world.' We celebrate women who create a positive impact in the environment. Anita Soina is a chief warrior at SpicewarriorsKE and she leads a team of young and passionate environmental warriors; both men and women and we all fight for nature for all of us

Women in our communities play a major role in food production and resource management by collecting and storing water, securing sources of fuel, food and fodder, and managing land — be it forest, wetlands or agricultural terrain.

"No hope of achieving sustainable development and biodiversity conservation without women’s inclusion and recognition of their contribution" Sangita Thapa

The natural world communicates emotions, principles, and messages to humans. ... They express the role and meaning of nature in human lives. The natural world cannot talk but it does communicate. Humans find symbols in nature and are able to relate their life to the way nature works.

Chopped by

Alice C. Tanui

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